today's busy world everyone wants to do every work smartly even today's students think to study smartly many of them don't know how to do it so let's know it quickly....hey buddies do you know this smart study is also used for competitive Exams.
here are 5 tips to study  smartly they are as follows :


To be Organized in any work is best thing to do your work properly and quickly . As every programs have a organizer team to maintain and to well organized that program. They are the main unit of particular program, whole program is depended on them. Study also depends on that same factor as I observed many of students while studying get up for taking their needed things but it disturbs your whole study. You should always be well prepared for your studies with your mind freshness, you should always sit on table and chair for your studies never sit on bed for your studies as when you sit on bed you will feel sleepy and lazy. Whenever you sit for study maintain your desk properly by arranging your requirements in proper way. Some basic needs for studies  which you will be required are:
High lighters >To highlight your main points 
Sticky notes> to have main points
pencils and pens
books> which you want to study
water bottle> for your light thirst
   “Being organized isn’t about getting rid of everything you own or trying to become a different person: it’s about living the way you want to live, but better.”- Andrew Mellen 


Notes are the identity of every students to study in smart way every student should try to create notes if you are making notes for first time it will be difficult for you but if you do it on regular basis one day you will become pro in making notes. It is not difficult to do it, notes can help you to save your time as if you not read lesson instead of it if you only read notes it will be helpful for you but create your notes creatively by using some color pens. Notes of every lesson should be precise and understandable, some of the subjects in our study are very boring to read to fell it enjoyable you can make your notes by using some of the stickers.  You can gain your focus on a particular topic while reading  notes can assure you a guarantee of every important points of your lesson. so, I think that every student should make their notes on their own.


Planning can make every work very easy and perfect that's the reason that every school or college has their own time-table. Whenever students studies they get confused what to study? from where to start? and students waste their maximum time mostly to think that
 what to study. The best way of planning study is according to its hardness level. As commonly hard subject for student is "mathematics" so students should give preference  to hard subjects, Because at the time of learning first subject your mind is fresh and your mind can catch more things in freshness. The best time to study these hard subjects are in early morning because in early morning your neurons are super activated. You should give minimum 1 hour in a day for every subject and slowly increase it with 5 minutes. Every school and college has completion work so every day you should give 40 minutes for doing it. Let me tell you one example of good study plan: 

1) Mathematics - 1 hour      
>10 minutes break
2) physics - 40 minutes
>10 minutes break
3) English - 40 minutes   
10 minutes break
4) biology - 30 minutes     
>5 minutes break
5) Third Language - 30 minutes
>5 minutes break
6) Chemistry - 30 minutes 

Rewarding is method of keeping motivated and all fresh for your next task. Do you know why students are gifted or rewarded in any competitions? The  reason behind that is to keep motivated to your participants or winners for further competitions rewards are very precious to one who get motivated by it. After studying for lot of time you get bored and clumsy. To enhance your motivation you should reward yourself by small things. I will give you my own example of rewarding, when I used to do long study hours I was getting too tiered only after 1 session of my study hour. Someone suggest me to reward yourself and I started doing it I when I started it .I was feeling very fresh and reliable, so I will suggest you to reward yourself with small things.
Here are some example of rewards:
>listen your favorite music 
>eat healthy and nutritious meal or snacks 
>take a walk 
>gossips with family or friends
>have a cup of tea or coffee

Testing yourself is good way to getting know about your demerits. Guys! do you know that every Institutes or school conduct exams main reason behind it is to get known about your knowledge many of us in todays world don't get time to write and read  because they are totally depended on technology so you can attend your test on some websites or application from google but as I will suggest to write your test  with your own hands. Because when you read anything you understand 65% of that knowledge but when you write you will understand 95% of your studies and when you write particular matter  you get grammatically right taking your own test is good thing to do.
Courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point.  A  famous quote by C.S. Lewis here he wants to tell you that the courage is not any type of virtue if want to see your courage you can check it on your testing point


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